Saturday, April 28, 2012

Some Book Festival Conversation

 - How many books, Joe?
- On the table here?  I don’t know.
- You don’t know how many books you’ve written?  I’ve written 18.  Mostly novels and autobiographies.  What are you working on now?  I’m working on a novel.  About my life. 

- What’s this?
- It’s my most recent book of poetry.
- Poetry?  I had to read poetry once in school.  Good luck.

- I open this up and the first poem starts off about garbage and the next one is about sex.  Why should I read these?
- Actually, I thought that one was a love poem but . . . .
- And this one is about drinking and smoking at a party.  You counter-culture generation…This one starts okay.  You mention Shakespeare, but then you drop him.  Your generation just doesn’t seem to have any literary values….I used to read poetry.  I don’t have time for it anymore, and none of this modern stuff is any good.  You’ll have to come see my book.  My booth’s over there.  You’ll like it.  Everyone does.

- My son-in-law is a poet too. Do you know him?
- No, I’m sorry I don’t.
- He’s very well known, but you probably have to be a literary type to have heard of him, someone who knows that kind of literature.

- Are you in a program?  I’m in a program?  What program are you in?

- I wrote my book from start to finish in 14 days.  I’m working on the sequel now.  I think it’s going to take longer.  Maybe a month.

- Oh, this is poetry.  You looked like a normal writer.

- I was asked to write a review of your book, but I didn’t like it, so I did you a favor and didn’t do it.

-       You would be interested in my book.  It has twenty-seven pictures.

-       Hey, are you from here?  Yes?  Then you should buy my book.  Let me go get it.  I take checks.

 - I don’t really like to read.  I just came with a friend.

1 comment:

  1. Adored this. I've been in the booths with a book a few times; so right on. Best wishes
